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Atkinson Rd 30811
Atkinson Rd 30990 (1)

Atkinson Road Primary Academy

Stage: Primary

Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Number of pupils: 440

Other provision: Nursery

Values & Ethos


A healthy balance between academic rigour and fun ensures our children grow into well rounded global citizens with a life-long insatiable thirst for learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge. Supported throughout their journey by a dedicated team of staff, our children grow into independent learners equipped with the attributes to achieve their aspirations. 


At Atkinson Road we firmly believe that outstanding progress is the responsibility of the children as well as the staff. Our school motto reflects this, emphasising being the best, rests with each individual pupil. Year on year we have outstanding progress results which is testament to our high expectations of children at all ability levels. We pride ourselves on our successes, as do our pupils. Our school promotes the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Articles 3 and 29 underline our school vision* 


Our children develop into successful young people with ambition and self-belief. We have a culture of excellence in our school, where the gifts and talents of all our children are enthusiastically explored. Our children develop the skills of determination, collaboration and team work. We are committed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in all areas of school life, and work to give our pupils a voice in making key decisions about the school and their education. Our school culture is based upon a belief that everyone has the fundamental right to autonomy and freedom in their learning.