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Learning Support
We are committed to working in partnerships with children, their families and the wider community to enable each student to thrive, irrespective of background or presumed ability.
Pupil Premium
Our academies offer a number of initiatives to support students in receipt of Pupil Premium, including programmes such as Accelerated Reader and Maths No Problem to aid progress in reading and writing.
We also offer additional mentoring and smaller class sizes, as well as Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Speech and Language specialists to support our students academically and in their development.
Outside of the classroom, we have Breakfast Clubs at a number of our academies. We also help families by purchasing uniforms and providing subsidised enrichment activities such as trips, residentials, music lessons and the provision of instruments.
The Trust also employs the services of educational psychologists to support our most vulnerable students.
English as an Additional Language
A number of our academies have high numbers of students with English as an Additional Language (EAL). In these schools, we offer targeted support, with English tuition by ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) specialists to help students access core learning more quickly.
This is supported by ‘nurture provision’ to support language acquisition if 'new to English', as well as the provision of bilingual dictionaries, and bilingual support in class where possible.
Schools support EAL learners through a differentiated curriculum and buddy system with peer support. We have a number of bilingual staff members who facilitate this. For some students, targeted phonics or reading comprehension interventions are also provided.
At Westgate Hill, for example, pupils who are new to the UK receive support from Young Interpreters who are trained to help new pupils settle into school life. Many of our young interpreters speak another language and have all received specialist training as part of an accredited course.
New pupils spend most of their time in their classroom forming positive relationships with their classmates and teachers. They also receive individual or small group support to build their social English. This enables them to engage and participate more quickly and readily in the classroom.
In addition to learning support, schools provide bilingual support to parents and families, with translated letters and communication to parents, as well as the availability of staff to interpret in parent meetings.
Alongside English language support, students with EAL are also encouraged to engage in programmes and projects which support them to celebrate their background and culture, for example within music and the arts.
Our schools constantly celebrate the diversity of their communities through a range of activities, programmes and events.
The Thrive Approach
LST Schools use the Thrive Approach to support children and young people’s positive mental health, as well as their social and emotional development.
Staff are trained by Thrive to learn how to respond to children exhibiting distress or difficult behaviour. With a focus on evidence-based practice and building positive relationships, Thrive helps staff to meet children’s social and emotional needs, giving them a positive starting point from which to learn and develop.